The amount of time we have to do the things we really want to do depends on how much time we create. 

I always get a kick out of someone saying they need to make time for something. As if they could somehow go into their kitchen and start with some flour and sugar and add a little of this and a lot of that and a pinch of whatever then mix it up and bake it for 45 minutes in a medium oven (what is that anyway, one that is not large but not small; an oven that has some sort of connection to ovens on the other side?) and wa-la, they’ve made time and now they can do whatever it is they needed to do. Or maybe they’re more of the burly nature and need to go out into the garage.

I’ve always wanted a great shop, one that’s well set-up with lots of power tools and a workbench with a vice where I could build darn near anything. Suppose I get that and one day feeling particularly pinched I just amble out there, get some nails and wood, some strap iron and hinges and I go to work with all the tools in the shop and presto, I built time. Sounds simple, I wish it were, but it’s not.

The thing is we’ve all got exactly the same amount of time and unless you’re some scientist in Switzerland (I don’t know that they’re in Switzerland I just made that up since, you know, Swiss clocks and everything) I decide that because of the rotation of the earth and atomic weight of Molybdenum (95.94 g/mol if you’re keeping score at home) I’m going to add a second to the year every three or four years or whatever.

Now, lest you think I’m pulling this straight out of a bodily orifice let me assure you that they do in fact do this. But it’s only one second every three or four years. That’s certainly not enough time to vacuum the mini-van or spend time with your tween or your Aunt Bunny. Heck, it took me almost as much time to type “Aunt Bunny” as that. We should not rely on these guys. In fact if they start adding enough time to really make a difference we have bigger problems because something serious has gone on with the rotation of the earth. No, as is unfortunately so often the case the yoke of responsibility falls squarely on our shoulders.

As David Byrne of the Talking Heads put it, “Time isn’t holding us. Time isn’t after us” so unless you’re Beyonce’ (and I consider her an outlier since I know she has assistants and she may be an alien. I can’t prove this but I’m working on it) the only way you’re going to do the things you want to “make time” for is to not do some other things. Yessirree Bob, we’re talking about choice here and we all know how much we love decision making.

The fact is, you’re going to have to choose. You’re going to have to choose to not watch t.v. and instead turn the set off and ask your teenager what happened at school today. You will have to step out of the facebook-instagram-snapchat world and step into the world of cleaning your house. And don’t even think about multi-tasking. That’s a myth that has been scientifically proven not to exist (seriously, look it up). Even further you are going to have to choose not to work late and instead choose to go to your daughter’s soccer game; not sleep and go to the gym; not eat the brownie fudge cheesecake (I know, this is harsh) and have the kale salad instead. Interestingly, this won’t add more hours to your days but in fact days to your life which is an even bigger deal. Once you get past the easy “This is really better for me and my family” things you may actually move into a new time-choice realm: the best over the better.

What’s this, you ask? Give up good things for great things? Yes, you may find yourself giving up the allocation of time to things that aren’t necessarily bad (mowing your lawn) for things which are even better like volunteering at the local food bank or reaching out to an ill friend or acquaintance. Be careful here though. Starting down this road means you will begin making allocations of time to the things you have always wanted to do. You may begin chasing your dreams or perhaps even the true purpose you were put here in the first place. Spoiler alert: this is NOT binge watching “Orange is the New Black”. This will in many ways be more difficult than mowing the lawn. It will stretch you into areas you never thought you would find yourself. Pursuing these things in your newfound time could (gasp) change you. Who knows? In your new capacity you may rival those Swiss scientists and discover that instead of seconds, you have given yourself an entirely new life.

Could it be possible? I don’t know. Fact is you won’t either, until you make time. So get at that, would ya? Thanks.

Have you put your foot down and decided you’re going to do something you’ve put off for a long time? I’d like to hear your story. Please comment below.



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