Don’t Question a Gift
Too often we get hung up on the details instead of just accepting what we’re given.
Good Tree or Bad Tree?
I’m not sure how you’d classify me, good or bad, but I’m sure I need a lot of grace.
Crazy upside-down Backwardsville
God flips the script on what we normally tell ourselves and he does it with an uber powerful gift.
Now go on you kids and make nice!
God’s problem solving technique seems counterintuitive to us but it’s a gift we’re urged to re-gift to change our whole life.
ACTS 2: 42-47
No, others thought the disciples were drunk and they laughed at them. Too often we don’t use those appendages on the side of our head and actually listen to what we’re told.
ACTS 2:38-39
I used to think the whole repent and be baptized thing was a one-time deal. I figured you couldn’t double dip on God. Now though, I’m seeing this gift is one, as Cousin Eddy said in “Christmas Vacation”, “Is the gift that keeps on givin.” Thank God for that because I certainly keep on screwing up.
ACTS 1: 1-5 1
It may be age or cynicism or bad luck but I think sometimes we tend to believe that we are more than just a part of a larger plan.
Something Bigger than the World
John lays out a three step plan to win and claim victory over the world. It’s all about love and belief and rules. Yes, rules.
This is How it All Began
This is how everything got rolling, at least according to John. It’s a story of a promise and an ironic twist that can give us hope.