We all need someone to speak for us once in a while.
Intercessory. It’s a big word that if you asked me about it three months ago my eyes would have glazed over or went up and to the left as I struggled to try and conjure a definition from my melon. It comes from the word intercede meaning to step in for or sort of get in the middle of some form of communication and help out when one party has a tough time talking to another party. Based on some of the past few months’ Facebook postings we might all be in need of a little intercession but I digress.
As important as our harmonious communication and existence on the ‘book is this is just a bit more important. Paul wrote to the people in Rome about this subject a long time ago. “And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will.” (Romans 8:26-27)
The Holy Spirit speaks, in fact prays for us in ways we don’t understand. The Spirit expresses our prayers that go beyond mere words. In fact the Spirit knows what we should pray for when we just don’t get it. That’s some powerful pinch-hitting there. But the best thing is how in tune the Spirit and Father are in this thing.
Our Father and the Spirit are completely on the same wavelength. And where the Spirit seems to be able to help us on the brain side, our Father who knows our heart, decodes our otherwise garbled and misguided attempts at prayer. To me it sounds like what we really need to do is put our faith and trust in the excellent care of the Spirit and the Father. They’ll sort it out.
Ever feel overmatched or inadequate in your prayers? How about your life? I know I’m running up against some headwinds right now. As so often happens what I need to know is someone’s in my corner even when I don’t know what to say or how to say it. I hope this gave you some encouragement and that you’ll share it with someone who could use it too.
I write every week about getting along in life. Sometimes it has a reference in the bible and sometimes it’s just my observations. If you would like to read more you can go to my home page by clicking here. If you get something out of my writing I hope you’ll subscribe to the blog. It’s free and subscribing just means you will receive an email on Saturdays with links to that week’s posts. Subscribe by clicking here. And please don’t worry, I never sell or share emails so you won’t get a bunch of spam.