Breaking up a long-standing relationship, one I’ve fought for and “earned” might be the toughest thing I’ve quit so far.
Negotiated Personalities
Do we barter for who we’ll end up being like trading 3 Skittles for 1 Starburst? (Which is a universal conversion by the way)
Plan, Plan, Who’s got the Plan?
The steps and the how-to’s really aren’t all that important if your commitment is right.
Don’t Question a Gift
Too often we get hung up on the details instead of just accepting what we’re given.
Good Tree or Bad Tree?
I’m not sure how you’d classify me, good or bad, but I’m sure I need a lot of grace.
Let ‘er Rip
As an intimidated sophomore defensive end, I missed a lesson from an upper classman I wish I hadn’t.
The ever-present junk lurking around, long a source of depression fighting purpose, has got to go.
FRIENDSHIP: The Sum of Nothing
Friendships, especially between men, are built from seemingly small, inconsequential things over time.