Clear advice about whether saying something is the right way to go.

Acts 13:15 “Brothers, if you have a message of encouragement for the people, please speak.”

I consider myself a pretty quiet guy. In fact I’ve taken personality tests that indicate I’m introverted, really to a fault so I know something about clamming up when I ought to say something. And while I certainly don’t think everyone is like me I think we show tendencies that run counter to what the scripture above advises.

Too often we are silent when words that actually mean something should be said. Whether the circumstance is one where we should show thankfulness or encouragement or care, we tend to default to a simple thanks or thank you. Although this is better than nothing, it falls far short of what we’re told to do in this simple, single scripture.

Our reason for a lack of expression of our feelings may have various sources. Perhaps we are too self-absorbed. Perhaps we think we’re just too busy. Or, perhaps we just don’t know how to express our gratitude. Whatever the reason, we miss the mark; we miss the goal.

I believe we were put here to be in relationship with others. No person is an island unto themselves. No one achieves or experiences success or feels joy in a vacuum. Without the expression of our gratitude to others we have little if any chance of forging meaningful relationships. We have little if any opportunity to feel the richness of a close friendship, kinship or even love.

So, my hope for you today is that you take the advice from Acts. Say more than “thanks,” say something of substance to encourage the good deed done for you. Express how that someone has helped you and made your load lighter. And forge one more tie toward a deep and lasting relationship.

The Everyday Question: Why do you stop short of expressing your feelings of gratitude in a meaningful way?

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